Saturday, 4 June 2011

Acer Hacked; Hackers Assure a Press Conference in 24hrs

Security seems to have become the bone of contention for the major players in the tech space, today. It is if there isn’t enough mockery made out of security in the recent PSN hack case, that yet another player in the market has had its security compromised. In yet another instance, popular technology brand, Acer is now finding itself grappling with a data breach that has reportedly cost it the details of over 40,000 customers. The details compromised includes their names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, as also the names of the products purchased by the customers.
A screenshot of the data compromised
A screenshot of the data compromised

As reported by The Hacker News, the hacking group, Pakistan Cyber Army is a well-known hacking outfit. Although, the motive behind the attack is still unclear, the hackers themselves have assured a detailed press conference to brief others about their motives, to be arranged very soon. At the press conference, the hacking group intends to give out all the data that’s in their possession.

This latest attack has exposed as to just how flaky is the security of most data, supposedly locked up in the systems of these major players in the space.

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